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One Tree – Planting Peace

Writer's picture: MadhusudanMadhusudan

Trees in all traditions have been symbol of peace, community and wisdom. They not only give oxygen but life to everything around them.

Inspired by ‘one tree- planting peace’ initiative shared to us by spiritual teacher Annette Kaiser in Europe, we planted a banyan tree in ‘Environmental Sanitation Institute, Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad, India. In this land, together with Gandhi thousands of people dedicated their lives for the service of the humanity. Taking that work forward this institute works towards sanitation and removal of untouchability.

With an intention that this tree would be live peace pole, where people could gather, to listen to each other, to share, to settle problems and to celebrate life.

“The Law of love could be best understood and learned through little children” Gandhiji shared this in a speech during visit at Montessori training college in London in 1931. Madam Montessori inaugurated a Montessori school “Balmandir” in Sabarmati Gandhi ashram in 1940. Celebrating Sufi’s first birthday we planted this banyan tree in front of the “Bal mandir” now heArt Center. Feel grateful to be a part of this celebration of embodiment of practitioners of love i.e. children – Reva, Maitri, Sufi and so many other children who played and play in this ground. May we learn the law of love from them and all the children and may this banyan tree witness many manifestations of love

in its lifetime and beyond!

(Left to Right) Planting of Banyan peace tree by Maitri 4 yr, Sufi 1yr, Reva 9 yr

Peace tree and in the background is children’s school founded by Madam Montessori

Join us to plant a peace tree in your own local community. More about initiative –


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