‘Who am I’, an eternal question
‘I am Love’, an eternal answer
‘How do I experience it’ … an eternal journey

‘Find your own truth’, a pilgrim once told me, ‘God is truth, and to search for God is to search for your own truth’. The word ‘Truth’ somehow always scared me, it felt too strong, I felt there have been too many conflicts between people fighting for their understanding of the truth. Thus I chose ‘Love’, feeling that love unites us, without separation till somebody told me, ‘if it is love, it has to be true, originating from truth and without truth it is something else and not love’..and this felt right.
‘So what is my truth’ ? This question became my eternal quest…I had once ran away from my home at the age of 14 to become a monk, although returned few hours later. Did many journeys and pilgrimages, worked on several projects and organisations, hoping to connect with my self. Like a musk deer in the desert, I was searching for my own fragrance with an ignorance that it lies no where outside but within myself. ‘Be your own light’, we often hear and yet in the hour of soul’s darkest night, we forget it. I longed for it’s continuous remembrance, feeling it in my deepest core and living it in every breath.
I realised one of the most fundamental need of a human being is to feel connected, with him/herself and with others. We need a safe space where we can be ourselves, without judgements, vulnerable, and truthful. During my own life challenges, I struggled to find such spaces and kept looking outside till I learned to look within.
All of this longing and quest has now manifested into a new space – ‘Swagyan Temple’

Swagyan Temple
On the path of love, exploration of self, in the service of the whole.
Nestled in the beautiful and serene premises of Gnadhi Ashram, Swagyan Temple is sacred space with an effort to explore connecting with your self, with nature and with each other.
With a rich history of people who worked here from Gandhi Ji to Vinoba Bhave, Parikshit Bhai and Ishwar kaka, this land has been nurtured with the spirit of selfless service and devotion.
The spirit of this space is reflected through:
Swabhav – Sahej – Sadhna – Acceptance
‘I am, a unique bright shining light’, and yet I often forget this.
A place for remembrance, Zikr, Swagyan Temple is a safe, sacred space to practice unconditional love for ourselves and for each other. Remembering that we are all one, rooted in non-separation.
A place to celebrate ‘being’ and accept our own true nature (Sahej Swabhav).
Swagyan – Samajh – Shodh – Exploration
Accepting our unique natural self leads us to a self enquiry to explore our most authentic expression, rooted in self knowledge, with our heart as its source.
Swagyan temple space will encourage us to make our own personal practices and find our inner sacred sanctuary to take refuge when in doubt.
Sabras – Samarpan – Srujan – Manifestation
What is my most fearless experiment of love ?
Knowing that I am not alone but part of a larger consciousness, interconnected with all beings, what is that I would like to manifest that is my gift to this world.
Together we hold each others hand, supporting and co-creating a new world in the service of the whole consciousness.
In daily life we will make an effort to do these Practices:
Silence – To connect with ourselves and with the emergence and arrangement of life.
Prayer – To connect with divinity
Reading – to connect with the knowledge of our lineage
Manual Labor / Farming / Sanitation – to connect with soil, nature and our food
Sharing – To deeply listen and create safe space for others to share
Writing – To express our thoughts
Stories /Music / Media – To connect with the world
A community of Seekers – Sadhaks – Lokmitras, to live and co-create a space of learning, exploration and manifestation. In the ancient tradition of Ashrams (Knowledge Centers to practice spirituality and self enquiry for the benefit of the world), the seekers will be living together, observing the seven practices and document their learning to then later share it with the world.
