There’s no arguing that an interaction with Vandana Agarwal, or Vandana-didi is one that you will not forget. A few moments in her presence will leave you with an energy that is bubbling with eagerness. An eagerness that has fueled her decade long journey in service with organizations like Manav Sadhna and Gramshree. What started out as a simple home cooked offering for street children rippled out into several programs for both women and children since 2001.
From the Earn N Learn program for children off the streets, to driving the revenue growth for a social enterprise for women, to performing her duties as a loving wife and mother, Vandana didi is always on the move. It is apparent through her dedication to service in every moment – constantly creating and offering with a broad smile on her face. All very much in sync with her aspiration to ‘Create heaven wherever we are’. Here’s a short video from the Giftivism gathering in October, sharing a few moments of generosity in her journey.
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